thyssenkrupp: New torch cutting chambers in Duisburg-Beeckerwerth steel plant
On the site of the thyssenkrupp mill in the north of Duisburg now two modern torch cutting chambers have been commissioned, which will not least improve the environmental situation in the area around the mill. ? thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
A further measure to improve the environmental situation around the thyssenkrupp steel mill in the north of Duisburg has now been implemented: thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems, a company of the Materials Services business area, has further optimized the recycling processes in BOF shop 2 in Duisburg-Beeckerwerth.
As part of the project, the mill services experts have commissioned two modern torch cutting chambers and will carry out size reduction of revert scrap arising during steel production for the coming ten years.
Fume extractors capture dust
A torch cutting chamber is a roofed, enclosed torch cutting station. Under it, large pieces of steel scrap are reduced in size. During the work, employees stand outside the chambers and are therefore protected. The new chambers at the thyssenkrupp steel mill are equipped with a modern fume extraction system.
Hundreds of filter bags ensure that dust cannot escape into the environment. "With the help of this system we are making a major contribution to environmental protection," says Michael L?cken, head of melt shop 2 at thyssenkrupp Steel Europe. "It will particularly benefit the local community around our site."
System processes up to 30,000 tons of steel scrap per month
"We are delighted that we beat off the competition and will now be optimizing the recycling process in Duisburg for the coming years," says Klaus Winters, thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems manager at the Duisburg-Beeckerwerth site.
Using the newly built torch cutting chambers he and his team will reduce up to 30,000 tons a month of high-quality metal to charging size and return it to the production process. A key factor behind the contract award for thyssenkrupp MillServices & Systems was the company's sustainable approach and its expertise in occupational safety.
"Our modern torch cutting chambers meet all environmental requirements and guarantee high operational safety," says Winters. Around 35 employees will work at the two new chambers.
Source: thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG